Liquid nitrogen dosing is used in the packaging of a wide range of products and offers the benefits of longer shelf life, reduced weight and improved quality from three common applications.
Purge: A small burst of liquid nitrogen is dispensed into the container just before sealing. The liquid vaporises into gaseous nitrogen forcing out oxygen which can cause spoiling of the product.
Pressurisation: Similar to the purge, liquid nitrogen is introduced and vaporises as the container is sealed, pressurising it. This pressure stiffens the container allowing for lighter materials to be used, saving weight and cost.
Freezing: Liquid nitrogen flash freezes the surface of the product giving stability and support during the packaging process.
The key to effective nitrogen dosing is precise control of the dose volume. Too little and the dosing may be inadequate, too much wastes valuable nitrogen. SMAC have been working with one of the leading manufacturers of dosing equipment to integrate their actuators and replace pneumatic valve actuators. SMAC actuators provide high speed motion and accurate closed-loop position control, which lead to significantly improved response times and temporal repeatability.
Talk to us here at ORLIN Technologies about how we can improve your process.