Developed for highly dynamic applications in the space industry, ORLIN Technologies is the exclusive UK distributor of piezoelectric devices from CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES, featuring:
• Much larger displacements per unit length than competing technologies
• Highest mechanical energy density per unit volume and mass on the market
• Large stiffness and force density
• Low supply voltage
• Positioning with nanometre precision
• Zero backlash and no play
• Very short response time for dynamic applications
• Low power consumption
Application fields include precise and rapid actuation, optics, instrumentation and active control of vibrations. To meet the varying demands of these applications, CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES have developed several distinct families of standard piezoelectric devices with their corresponding drivers and controllers:
■ Parallel Pre-stressed Actuators (PPA)
■ Amplified Piezoelectric Actuators (APA®)
■ Piezo Actuator Mechanisms
■ Drivers and Controllers
■ Piezo Motors and Stages
For quick and easy evaluation of Cedrat Technologies’ piezo actuators, we now offer an evaluation kit including an APA120S actuator and CAu10 linear amplifier.
To chat about piezoelectric devices, please just get in touch!
Piezo Motors and Stages
Stepping Piezoelectric Actuators (SPA) are new long-stroke linear or rotating piezoel…
Piezo Drivers and Controllers
To fulfill various requirements in terms of driving and control conditions for its pi…
Piezo Actuator Mechanisms
Mainly based on the APA® concept, CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES has developed different mechani…
Amplified Piezoelectric Actuators (APA®)
Patented by CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES, the Amplified piezoelectric actuator, is a mechanica…
Parallel Pre-stressed Piezo Actuators
The PPA is a preloaded low voltage piezoelectric actuator using a direct-acting multi…