Functionality and options
Up to two threshold values can be defined for monitoring the parameter. As soon as one of these threshold values is exceeded, a freely selectable device command can be executed. The possible device commands include:
Delete error
Quick-Stop / Stop
Disable output stage
Generate freely definable error code (and thus set the controller to error status)
Change setpoint (speed, current, position)
and much more. (see device commands according to the description in mcManual -> parameter 3000.01)
To avoid repeated execution of a command, a hysteresis can be defined. A new command is only triggered again when the value falls below the hysteresis value and the threshold value is exceeded again.
Practical application examples
The “Event at value” function offers numerous options for customising your processes efficiently. Here are some examples of how you can use this function in practice.
1. Monitoring the position to implement a customised driving profile
Any vehicle starts off at maximum speed, for example. If the first position threshold value is exceeded, the speed is reduced to the value X. If the second threshold value is exceeded, the speed can be increased again, reduced further or a stop can be triggered.
2. Monitoring of the individual status bits (status register 3002.00h) and signalling of the statuses via a digital output
The status register provides information on whether a set limit has been reached (e.g. current, speed or position limit). Depending on the status of the respective bit (“high” or “low”), this information can be transmitted to a digital output. This can be used for signalling (e.g. by a light) or for triggering further actions (e.g. switching a relay).The “Event at value” function opens up a whole new world of process automation.There are virtually no limits to your creative ideas. Discover completely new application possibilities that can revolutionise and, above all, standardise your workflows. This will not only make your processes more efficient, but also more secure. In our mcManual you will find detailed descriptions of the associated parameters in the area 301A.00h to 301A.13h.
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